The UEF scout is a fast, lightly armored reconnaissance vehicle which sports a machine gun and a state-of-the-art sensor suite. UEF的侦察车是一个快速的,轻装甲的侦察单位.配备有机枪和最新式的侦测套件。
This means it should do more damage against lightly armored or fully sundered targets but less damage against heavily armored targets ( assuming no armor pen). 这意味着,在无视护甲穿透等级的情况下,你能对轻甲目标能造成更多伤害,而面对护甲值高的目标你的伤害将有所降低。
The zealots are much more dangerous against the marauder, as the concussion missiles don't do as much damage against lightly armored units like zealots. 人类的掠夺者形势危险,因为他们的冲击弹对于狂热者这种轻型护甲单位来说效果不大。
A small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship. 小的快速的轻装备的但是有重武装的战舰。